complete wireless technologies industrial radios
complete wireless technologies transportation

Pagers, Headsets and two-way radio sales to keep your industry safe, fast and efficient


During an emergency, the importance of immediate and reliable communications for law enforcement and first responders is critical. Fire and emergency response personnel need to have the confidence that their radio communications system will work when they are responding to an event. CWT has over 20 years of experience engineering, providing, and maintaining radio equipment for public safety organizations. We sell repeater systems and radios, P25 trunking to bridging systems.  At Complete Wireless Technologies, we have the right radio and pager solution to meet your needs.


Nothing is more important in the hospitality industry than details, accuracy, and fast efficient service. Two-way radios provide management and staff the essential communication that is needed to properly coordinate activities and provide excellent customer service. Whether it is simple radio to radio communication for smaller retail environments or elaborate digital systems with dispatching and trunking capabilities for large facilities, CWT has the solution that will keep your staff productive and help you provide customer satisfaction.


Radio communications are vital in all types of industrial applications from manufacturing to warehouse production and construction. With workers being able to have instant communications, you can improve inventory conditions, lower operating costs, increase inventory returns, improve accuracy, and even help keep compliance with regulatory requirements. CWT will provide you and your staff the radio equipment that is necessary to keep your staff productive and efficient.


Keep in touch with your field personnel with instant radio communications. Two-way radio systems provide you with immediate contact to your drivers to mobilize your transportation fleet and stay informed. Radio communications are more efficient and cost effective than cellular and are DOT approved. As of 2012, the US Department of Transportation has banned the use of handheld mobile devices while driving, not including two-way radios. Drivers who violate the ban will face federal civic penalties of up to $2,750 for each offense. CWT will help you stay compliant and improve your communications with our digital wide area radio network. The CWT Mobile network provides instant radio coverage along the front range of Colorado from Cheyenne, Wyoming to Denver and east to Fort Morgan and Sterling. Not only will the CWT Mobile network provide voice communications, but we can also provide computer dispatching and AVL applications as well.

For Sales & Service, please fill out our Contact Form
Call 970-686-7530 or Toll Free at 1-866-747-8324